Jet Plasma PRX-T33

The treatment is designed to improve skin texture, tone, and hydration while also addressing certain skin concerns.

What is combo treatment Plasma Jet PRX-T33?

The combination treatment of plasma jet with PRX-T33 involves using both procedures to achieve synergistic benefits for skin rejuvenation. Let’s break down each part of the combination treatment:

  1. Plasma Jet (Plasma Skin Regeneration aka Cold Plasma): Plasma jet or plasma skin regeneration is a non-surgical cosmetic procedure that uses plasma energy to address various skin concerns. During the treatment, a device is used to create plasma, which is a highly energized gas, and this plasma is applied to the skin’s surface without direct contact. The energy from the plasma stimulates skin regeneration, collagen production, and tightening of the skin. It can be effective in reducing fine lines, wrinkles, acne scars, and improving skin texture.

  2. PRX-T33 BioReVitalization(Chemical Peel): As previously mentioned, PRX-T33 is a combination of trichloroacetic acid (TCA) and hydrogen peroxide. It is a no-peel chemical peel that aims to stimulate collagen production, improve skin texture, and hydrate the skin. PRX-T33 is often used for skin bio-revitalization and has minimal downtime compared to traditional chemical peels.

Combining Plasma Jet with PRX-T33: When these two treatments are used together, they complement each other’s effects to provide enhanced skin rejuvenation. The plasma jet treatment can help prepare the skin by increasing its permeability, allowing the PRX-T33 solution to penetrate more deeply into the skin. The PRX-T33, in turn, can work in synergy with the plasma jet by promoting collagen formation and further improving the skin’s texture and overall appearance.

Jet Plasma Treatment

What is happening during Plasma Jet PRX-T33 treatment?

Step 1

Fractional Tip Tapping During this step, the practitioner uses the Plasma Jet device equipped with a Fractional Tip to perform a gentle tapping or “stamping” motion on the surface of the skin. This action helps open the pores and prepares the skin for better absorption of the subsequent product (PRX-T33) that will be applied.

Step 2

PRX-T33 Application After the Fractional Tip tapping, the practitioner applies PRX-T33 to the treated skin. As mentioned earlier, PRX-T33 is a specific combination of trichloroacetic acid (TCA) and hydrogen peroxide, which helps stimulate collagen production, improve skin texture, and provide bio-revitalization effects without causing visible peeling or downtime.

Permeating Tip Massage In this part of Step 2, the practitioner switches the Plasma Jet device to a Permeating Tip. This tip is designed for a different purpose: to gently tap the surface of the skin for 5-10 minutes. This action helps the PRX-T33 product penetrate more deeply into the skin’s layers, enhancing its effects and promoting skin rejuvenation.

Step 3

Fractional Tip Absorption Massage In the final step, the practitioner switches back to the Fractional Tip and performs a specific absorption tapping on the treated skin. This technique helps close the pores and further aids in the absorption of the PRX-T33 product into the skin.

Plasma Jet Treatments


The Plasma Jet PRX-T33 is a combination treatment that has been promoted to address various skin concerns. Here are some potential advantages of this treatment:

Frequently Asking Questions:

The level of pain experienced during the Plasma Jet with PRX-T33 treatment can vary from person to person. However, the procedure is generally considered to be relatively tolerable and less painful compared to more invasive cosmetic treatments.

The Plasma Jet portion of the treatment involves the application of plasma energy to the skin’s surface without direct contact. Patients may feel a warm sensation and some mild discomfort during this phase, but it is usually well-tolerated.

As for the PRX-T33 application, some patients may experience a mild stinging or tingling sensation when the solution is applied to the skin. However, PRX-T33 is specifically formulated to be less irritating than traditional chemical peels, and it is often described as a more comfortable experience with minimal downtime.

The number of sessions required to achieve optimal results with the Plasma Jet PRX-T33 can vary depending on various factors, including the individual’s skin condition, the severity of the skin concerns being addressed, and the desired outcome. Generally, a series of treatments is recommended to achieve the best results.

For many patients, a series of 3 to 5 treatments, spaced about 2 to 4 weeks apart, may be recommended. This treatment schedule allows for sufficient time for the skin to heal and for collagen regeneration to occur between sessions.

However, please keep in mind that every individual’s skin is unique, and the response to the treatment can vary. Some individuals may see noticeable improvements after just one or two sessions, while others may require more treatments for optimal results. 

It’s essential to have realistic expectations regarding the timeline for achieving results. Significant improvements in skin texture, tone, and appearance can take several weeks to months, as the skin’s natural rejuvenation process takes time.

As always, it’s crucial to follow the aftercare instructions and avoid excessive sun exposure during the treatment period to ensure the best outcomes and to minimize the risk of complications.

A biorevitalization peel is not for patients whose skin is irritated, prone to seborrheic dermatitis or rash.

Not recommended for patients allergic to Kojic acid or latex.

Not for women pregnant or lactating women.

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