Advantages Vs Surgery:

Fibroblasting produces excellent results for any area of the body, particularly the face and neck regions. It is important for anyone considering fibroblasting treatment to carefully review the Plasma Pen contraindications, Plasma Pen Aftercare Instructions, risks, and skin types that can be safely treated.

How Long Does it Last?

The results are permanent, although it does not stop your natural aging process, you should still see lasting results for years as they would with cosmetic surgery. For longer lasting results you should maintain a healthy lifestyle, avoid smoking, excessive alcohol consumption, and prolonged sun exposure.

Low risk, minimal downtime and more affordable than surgery.

Microneedling Dermclar specializing in asissting the many aesthetical needs such as cellulite, double chin, excessive fat and stretch marks.

Low risk, minimal downtime and more affordable than surgery.

Microneedling Dermclar specializing in asissting the many aesthetical needs such as cellulite, double chin, excessive fat and stretch marks.

Microneedling Dermclar

Microneedling is a cosmetic procedure that involves using a device with tiny needles to create controlled micro-injuries on the skin’s surface. This process stimulates the body’s natural healing response, which can lead to collagen production and skin rejuvenation.

Dermclar is a brand that offers mesotherapy solutions, which can be used in conjunction with microneedling treatments. 

When combined with microneedling, the tiny needles create micro-channels in the skin, allowing the mesotherapy solution to penetrate deeper into the skin layers. This combination aims to enhance the absorption and effectiveness of the active ingredients. 

Helps treat:

What's happened during Microneedling Dermclar combo treatment?

  1. Preparation: The treatment area is cleansed and a numbing cream may be applied to minimize any potential discomfort.

  2. Product application: Depending on the specific Dermclar product used during the treatment, an ampoule solution is applied to the skin. This is often done during the microneedling process to enhance the penetration and absorption of the active ingredients

  3. Microneedling device: A microneedling device with small, fine needles is used. The device is moved over the skin, creating controlled micro-injuries or punctures on the surface.

  4. Micro-injuries and collagen stimulation: The micro-injuries created by the needles trigger the skin’s natural healing response. This stimulates the production of collagen and elastin, which are proteins that contribute to the skin’s structure and elasticity..

  5. Post-treatment care: After the procedure, a sunscreen is applied to protect the treated skin from sun exposure.

Microneedling dermclar NYC

Before & After


LIPOFACE V is a firming and sculpting solution that aims to tighten and lift the skin in the jawline and chin area, creating a more defined and contoured “V” shape appearance.

DermLipoface V is recommended to be used topically in the double chin area with microneedles or nanoneedles. The treatment can be performed weekly for 6-8 consecutive sessions. Follow up: 1 session monthly.


Ampelopsis, Organic Silicium, DMAE (dimethylaminoethanol), Biomimetic peptides, and Red Algae Extract.


LIPOFACE OB is a lipolytic solution that is is intended to help break down and reduce localized fat deposits, including those in the submental area (double chin).

Lipoface OB is recommended to be used topically in the double chin area with microneedles or nanonedles. The product can be applied weekly for 6-8 consecutive sessions. 

Follow up one session monthly. 


L- Carnitine, Organic Silicon, Phosphatidylcholine, Hydrolyzed red algae, Troxerutin


DermFirm is an aesthetic product from Dermclar that is formulated with firming agents to address flaccidity in the face and body. 

The treatment can be performed weekly for 4-6 consecutive sessions.

A minimum number of sessions: between 5 and 12.

The time between sessions: is 7 – 15 days.

Maintenance sessions: 1 monthly.


DMAE, Organic Silicium, Centella asiatica, Hyaluronic acid and Trace Elements.


Sonic Silhouette is an innovative formula that combines the best ingredients to help reduce localized fat in different body parts. Its natural ingredients activate blood circulation, reduce fat accumulations, and inhibit adipocyte conversion.

Performing one session every eight days and not less than five sessions during treatment is recommended, 


Phosphatidylcholine, Polysorbate 80, L- Carnitine, Caffeine, Rutin, Phytosonic.


The lack of L-Carnitine prevents the fats from being transported to the power plants, where they are burned. This accumulation of fat reduces externally in the so-called orange peel and cellulite. Conversely, the more L-Carnitine you have, the more fats you burn; therefore, you lose weight, you will regain more energy, and be better able to resist cold and fatigue.

Minimum number of sessions: between 5 and 12

The time between sessions: are 7 – 15 days.

Maintenance sessions: 1 monthly 

Frequently Asking Questions:

Before undergoing a microneedling Dermclar treatment, it’s essential to follow some guidelines and avoid certain activities and products to ensure a safe and effective procedure. Here are some common recommendations:

  1. Sun exposure: Avoid excessive sun exposure for at least a week before the treatment. Sunburned or tanned skin can be more sensitive, and microneedling is generally not recommended on sunburned skin.

  2. Tanning beds and self-tanning products: Avoid using tanning beds or applying self-tanning products before the treatment, as they can also increase skin sensitivity.

  3. Retinoids and exfoliants: Discontinue the use of retinoids, alpha hydroxy acids (AHAs), beta hydroxy acids (BHAs), or any other exfoliating products at least 2 to 3 days before the procedure. These products can thin the skin and make it more susceptible to irritation during microneedling.

  4. Blood-thinning medications: If you are taking blood-thinning medications, such as aspirin or ibuprofen, consult with your healthcare provider to determine if it’s safe to temporarily discontinue them before the treatment. These medications can increase the risk of bruising during the procedure.

  5. Active skin infections or conditions: Avoid scheduling the microneedling treatment if you have any active skin infections, open wounds, cold sores, or other skin irritations in the treatment area.

  6. Recent cosmetic procedures: It’s best to wait for a few weeks after any other cosmetic procedures, such as chemical peels or laser treatments, before undergoing microneedling.

  7. Facial hair removal: If you typically wax, shave, or use depilatory creams on your face, it’s best to avoid these methods a few days before the treatment.

While microneedling is generally considered safe, there are certain contraindications and precautions.

Here are some key points regarding the safety of microneedling:

  1. Professional expertise: Microneedling should be performed by a trained and licensed aesthetic professional who has experience and knowledge in the procedure. They will ensure that the treatment is conducted correctly, minimizing the risk of complications.

  2. Needle depth and technique: The depth of the microneedles and the technique used during the procedure should be appropriate for your specific needs and skin condition. 

  3. Individual factors: Each person’s skin is unique, and individual responses to microneedling can vary. Some individuals may be more prone to certain risks or complications, so it’s important to disclose any relevant medical history, skin conditions, or allergies to your aesthetic professional.

  4. Side effects and downtime: After microneedling, it is normal to experience temporary side effects such as redness, swelling, and mild skin sensitivity. These usually subside within a few days. Following proper aftercare instructions can help minimize potential side effects and promote optimal healing.

Some common contraindications for microneedling with Dermclar include:

  1. Active skin infections: Microneedling should not be performed on areas of the skin with active infections, such as cold sores, herpes, or impetigo. It’s essential to wait until the infection has completely healed before undergoing the procedure.

  2. Active acne: Microneedling can potentially spread bacteria and exacerbate active acne, leading to more breakouts. It’s best to wait until the acne is under control before considering the treatment.

  3. Open wounds or cuts: The microneedling process involves creating micro-injuries on the skin. It should not be performed on areas with open wounds, cuts, or abrasions until they have fully healed.

  4. Keloid or hypertrophic scarring: Individuals with a history of keloid or hypertrophic scarring may be at higher risk of developing more significant scars following microneedling.

  5. Blood clotting disorders or anticoagulant use: Microneedling may cause minor bleeding, so individuals with blood clotting disorders or those taking anticoagulant medications should avoid the treatment or be closely monitored by a healthcare professional.

  6. Pregnancy and breastfeeding: As a precaution, microneedling is generally avoided during pregnancy and breastfeeding due to the potential risks and lack of sufficient data on its safety.

  7. History of eczema or psoriasis: Microneedling may trigger flare-ups or worsen existing skin conditions like eczema or psoriasis.

  8. Sunburn or recent sun exposure: The skin should be in a healthy state before undergoing microneedling, and it’s essential to avoid the treatment if you have a sunburn or recently had significant sun exposure.

  9. Recent use of certain medications or treatments: Some medications or cosmetic treatments may increase skin sensitivity or affect the healing process, making microneedling unsuitable for those who recently underwent such procedures.

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